Free Thought

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Walking down the lane

Another blog on the wall! Everything has a purpose (apparently) and so does this blog: The purpose of this blog is to make itself purposeful!

Random mumblings apart, I do not intend this blog to be a chronicle of my life; we have enough information to deal with without having to be bothered with gory details of the state of my love life or dilbertian situations at work! Rather, this is the first in a series of articles that I will be writing to chronicle not my life – but rather, my take on life! To clarify on that point – the difference is that while the former would have been focused on the inanities of my life (granular details that I would think are not worth expending effort on, by me as well as the discerning reader), the latter would be an abstraction of my experiences; and a commentary of sorts of the world as I see it.

That summarizes the mission of the blog; and the vision of the blog would be to achieve levels of literary erudition that some of my favourite columnists have attained; Subroto Bagchi and Shashi Tharoor, for example.


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